Peter Glass CV

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Sunday, December 6, 2020

From Nowhere to Nothing and I go way back


17th century Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytical objects of shape


He Ca Te

Goodess of Sorcery Witchcraft and Necromantia

The Control Panel of RMBK-1000 Reaktor number 4

24 April 1986


ARECIBO satellite

57 years

Sydney, Australia

Anubis Egyptian God
Anw Yb hc
Mars Moon Saturn
Retrospect, of the night

@ Lan Thc

tattooed allergic skin

Rare Coin shows Godess Hecata and Anubis on same side

Chernobyl, and an entrance too

Anubis, Egypt

He Ca Te

COVID-19 Roses

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and the world could not get enough tears and splendor and my money.. a new life.. a happy life.. rejected?